Hour Day Month Year
Longitude:  GMT  
Get longitude:
Minutes correction: -12.21 (Longitude: 0 + : -12.21); RST=14:42  ?  ; Monday

Hour Day Month Year
Longitude:  GMT  
Get longitude:
Minutes correction: -12.21 (Longitude: 0 + : -12.21); RST=14:42; Monday



Yi Jing Astrology Calculator

Pre heaven:

19 - 27
13 - 18
7 - 12
1 - 6
34 - 42
28 - 33
4. Youthful Folly



Post heaven:

43 - 51
79 - 87
73 - 78
64 - 72
58 - 63
52 - 57
53. Gradual Progress

Annual hex:

18. Decay

Monthly hex:

50. The Cauldron

Stem numbers: 2, 1, 4, 2
Branch numbers I : 2, 3, 5, 5
Branch numbers II: 7, 8, 10, 10
Odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 5, 7
Even numbers: 2, 4, 2, 2, 8, 10, 10
Heavenly no: 21
Earthly no: 38
Pre Heaven:
Heavenly trigram: 1
Earthly trigram: 8
Heaven on top: no
Upper trigram: 8
Lower trigram: 1
Changing line: 3
Annual hex:
Chinese age: 1 (2025), line: 3, from age: 1

Pre-Heaven changing line is bonded: yes
Pre-Heaven changing line is approp. positioned: no
Pre-Heaven changing line number (3) is auspicious: middling
Natural order:
Yang month: Heavenly number is greater than Earthly number: no
Heavenly and Earthly numbers:
Heavenly Number is not enough
Flows - Yuan Qi & Hua Gong (mouse over to show):
Pre&Post Heaven

Pre&Post Nuclear



Annual, Monthly

Ann.,Mon. Nuclear

Auspicious time (De Shi): natal hexagram 53 fits the birth month!
Auspicious time (De Shi): annual hexagram 18 fits the birth month!

Yi Jing Astrology Calculator / He Luo Li Shu Calculator
Harmen Mesker "Yijing Astrologie"
Lily Chung, Jin Peh "Four Pillars of Destiny - Your Life Numbers and Hexagrams from the I Ching"
Sherrill & Chu "The Astrology of I Cing"

Chart options  
   How to print

See also
Random Hexagram Generator: Random Hexagram

BaZi Calculator
BaZi Calculator Partners
"The program is very good, better than 90% of the Chinese 4P software (forget the English ones)" - Ken Lai

"Very recommended for serious Bazi researchers and enthusiasts! Nice features to search for specific chart configurations. And the best part is tons of birth charts of famous and ordinary people, all the plotting work already done for users!" - JLim, Five Arts Forum Administrator

Special thanks to: RapaNui for knowledge and advice

Information about BaZi Course and Consultations by JLim.

Disclaimer / Author's Note

1. Calculations listed above should not be the only consideration in decision making. Life is much more complicated than these charts.
2. What is metaphysics today, will be physics tomorrow. Every science holds some truth, while being erratic to some extent.
3. Even if a day seems auspicious / inauspicious, its results may be different depending on what we do and how we act. Bad luck teaches us, good luck makes us lazy.
4. Free will overcomes destiny. Forgetting about it is comfortable, so we're used to do it. This is the danger of destiny science.
5. We shouldn't expect that divination system will tell us the truth about our future, as the future is becoming a history that - based on what is given to us - we write ourselves. Destiny is possibility, history is what we make of it.

BaZi calculator features: the bazi calculator counts stem and branch interactions, symbolic stars, Na Yin, DHHS, Qi phases, day master strength, draws charts. The BAZI calculator also enables to manually set transformations. BAZI calculator is free for everyone. It's destined for BaZi consultants as a helpful tool for BaZi readings. Online Tong Shu also shows flying stars feng shui charts and other information useful when preparing BaZi analysis. If you have any questions regarding this bazi calculator, do not hesitate to contact me.

More calculators: Ba Zi - Four Pillars | Xuan Kong Da Gua - Date Selection | Tong Shu - Almanac | He Luo Li Shu - Yi Jing Astrology | Qi Men Dun Jia Calculator | Flying Star Feng Shui Calculator | Liu Yao

Copyright for BaZi Calculator: You are free to copy the contents of this site, but it will be in a good manner to insert a link to bazi-calculator.com in exchange.
Five elements chart inspired by Heluo, RapaNui.
Language icon by Flaticon.

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