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BaZi Calculator by Voytek. Precise calculations of BaZi charts.
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BaZi Calculator Partners




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Feng Shui Academy, Wrocław, Poland

Feng Shui Academy in Wrocław, founded in 1996, with talented teachers such as Zbigniew Królicki (Feng Shui, Silva method), Krzysztof Maćko (I Cing), Bogusław Białko (Ba Zi), Krystyna Królicka (Reiki) and over 20 years teaching experience. Wonderful place to study Chinese metaphysics.

For more information visit


In Polish:

Akademia Feng Shui we Wrocławiu, założona w 1996 roku, z tak utalentowanymi nauczycielami jak Zbigniew Królicki (Feng Shui, metoda Silvy), Krzysztof Maćko (I Cing), Bogusław Białko (Ba Zi), Krystyna Królicka (Reiki) i ponad dwudziestoletnim doświadczeniu w nauczaniu. Wspaniałe miejsce do studiowania metafizyki chińskiej.

Więcej informacji


Arkadiusz Paniuticz « RapaNui », Poznan, Poland, traditional Ba Zi teacher


He has been dealing with classic traditional Feng Shui and Ba Zi since 2003.

In 2008 he received the FSRC Pracitioner title at FSRC in Canada (Master Joseph Yu). Starting from 2010, he taught Flying Star Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny, at the Feng Shui Academy in Wroclaw and other in other places. He has studied the teachings of Masters Howard Choy, Heluo, Ken Lai and Joseph Yu.

For three decades he has participated in online forums and Yahoo groups as "RapaNui", moderating two famous forums in Singapore. This way he came across online courses of Far East masters who do not give participation diplomas, but compensate for this with the enormity of knowledge.

He offed BaZi and Feng Shui consultations in Polish. In Feng Shui expertises he applied the school of Compass (Ba Zhai) and the school of Flying Star (Xuan Kong Feng Shui), as well as Da Gua date selection and the technique of the Water Dragon.

Arkadiusz has passed away in 2024.

In Polish:

Zajmował się klasycznym tradycyjnym Feng Shui i chińską astrologią Ba Zi od roku 2003.

W roku 2008 uzyskał w FSRC w Kanadzie (Mistrz Joseph Yu) tytuł FSRC Pracitioner. Począwszy od roku 2010 prowadził kursy z zakresu Feng Shui Wędrujacej Gwiazdy i Czterech Filarów Przeznaczenia w Akademii FS we Wrocławiu. Poznawał nauki Mistrzów Howarda Choya, Heluo, Ken Laja i Josepha Yu.

Przez trzy dekady uczestniczył w międzynarodowych forach internetowych i grupach Yahoo jako "RapaNui", pełnił funkcje moderatora na dwóch internetowych forach w Singapurze, światowym centrum wiedzy Feng Shui. Tą drogą trafił na kursy on-line mistrzów dalekowschodnich, którzy nie dają dyplomów uczestnictwa, ale rekompensują to ogromem przekazywanej wiedzy.

Prowadził konsultacje BaZi i Feng Shui w Poznaniu i w okolicach. Wykonywał ekspertyzy Feng Shui stosując szkołę Kompasu (Ba Zhai) i szkołę Wędrującej Gwiazdy (Xuan Kong Feng Shui), dobór korzystnych dat Da Gua oraz techniki Wodnego Smoka.

Arkadiusz połączył się wiecznością w sierpniu 2024 roku.


JLim, Indonesia / The Netherlands, Mang Pai Ba Zi teacher


JLim (Darma or 林文友) is a Bazi (Four Pillars) teacher & consultant and Liu Yao (Six Lines) consultant based in The Hague, the Netherlands. He is an Indonesian-born Chinese who relocated from his hometown Jakarta (Indonesia) in 2019.

JLim has been teaching Bazi since 2014, and actively spreading Mangpai Bazi across the continents through his own online school. He provides online Bazi and Liu Yao consultancy in English and Indonesian. Liu Yao (六爻) is the most popular divination method in China & Taiwan that provides answers to life’s questions.

After years of studies in traditional (Zi Ping style) Bazi with different masters around the world, he furthered his studies into the wondrous Mangpai Bazi (Blindman School) under the expert tutelage of Mangpai Master 乘马班如 (chéng mǎ bān rú) from China. For Liu Yao, he felt privileged to be a private disciple of Liu Yao Master 寶生琉璃 (bǎo shēng liúli) from Taiwan.

JLim had been a global moderator of the fivearts forum since 2008, a very popular English language forum for practitioners and learners of Chinese Metaphysics around the globe. Since 2017 he started his own forum This also serves as the platform for his online school and consultancy.





In time order


Irina Grit, Russia, Russian translation (2014)



Chartered Financier, MBA.

Researcher of ancient astrology systems: Systems of magicians, Сlassical and Western astrology and Chinese Metaphysics: Bazi, Qi Men, Zi Wei Dou Shu.

Studying various astrological systems of different countries: Arabic, German, Indian, I came to the study of Chinese Philosophy, part of which is ancient Chinese numerology, which is called in modern society Chinese metaphysics, the basis of which is Bazi system.

In 2016, my first book on the System of Symbolic Stars was published in Russian. If you find yourself fluent in English, I will be glad of your help in translating it.

More information: On the site you can get acquainted with my books.


Jean-Marie Lequin, Valencia, Spain, French and Spanish translations (2015)

Jean Marie

Build your change using traditional Chinese arts and coaching.

Consult to understand yourself, act conscientiously and make inspired decisions.

Online consultations in French and Spanish

More information:


In French:

Construire votre changement en utilisant les arts traditionnels chinois et le coaching.

Consulter pour se comprendre, agir en conscience et prendre des décisions inspirées.

Consultations Online.



In Spanish:

Construir nuestro camino gracias a la asociación del coaching y de las artes tradicionales chinas.

Consultar para comprenderse a sí mismo para actuar en consciencia y tomar las decisiones adecuadas.

Online consultas.



Master Serge Augier « Urban Daoist », Paris, France, French translation (2015)


Heir of the Daoist Tradition Ba Men Da Xuan

Master Serge Augier is the heir and guardian of the Ba Men Da Xuan tradition (6th century), and has been practicing since childhood. He teaches and trains the five arts of his school:

He teaches in Paris and around the world (via distant learning and/or local instructors on four continents). More info:

He also consults in traditional Qi Men Dun Jia, Ba Zi, Feng Shui and Yijing. More info:


In French:

Héritier de la Tradition Taoïste Ba Men Da Xuan

Maitre Serge Augier est l’héritier et le gardien de la tradition Ba Men Da Xuan (6ème siècle), qu’il pratique depuis l’enfance. Il enseigne et pratique les 5 arts de son école:

  • MONTAGNE : Cultivation des Qualités Humaines (Corps - Souffle - Esprit)
  • DESTINE : La Science de la Destinée (Bazi, Zi Wei Du Shou)
  • DIVINATION : L’Etude des Changements du Monde (Yi Jing, Qi Men Dun Jia)
  • OBSERVATION : L’art des Formes (Feng Shui et Morphopsychologie)
  • MEDECINE : Médecine Taoïste et Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise

Il enseigne à Paris et partout dans le monde (par enseignement à distance et/ou instructeurs locaux présents sur 4 continents) Plus d’informations :

Il propose également des consultations en Qi Men Dun Jia, Feng Shui traditionel, Ba Zi et Yijing. Plus d’informations :


Angela Nowicki, German translation (2015)



Literary translator by trade, she was engaging for many years in astrology of all kinds of schools and traditions, including the Munich Rhythm Method by Wolfgang Döbereiner, Jyotish and Bazi Suanming. Her knowledge of the latter was gained mainly from Manfred Kubny's books.

Three years ago, she began to proceed from theoretical to more practical fields of interest. It came with the discovery of artistic hand embroidery, which she now feels is her calling and passion. Having learned it almost from scratch, today she creates own designs, writes instructions and began to specialise in architectural embroidery.

More information:


In German:

Die Literaturübersetzerin hat sich viele Jahre lang intensiv mit allen möglichen Schulen und Traditionen der Astrologie beschäftigt, wie der Münchner Rhythmenlehre, aber auch der indischen Astrologie (Jyotish) und dem chinesischen Bazi Suanming. Letzteres erlernte sie hauptsächlich aus den Büchern von Manfred Kubny.

Vor drei Jahren hat sie die theoretischen zugunsten wesentlich praktischerer Interessen aufgegeben, als sie die künstlerische Handstickerei als ihre Berufung und Leidenschaft entdeckte. Nach einer gründlichen Ausbildung in den Grundlagen entwirft sie heute eigene Bilder, schreibt Stickanleitungen und hat begonnen, sich auf die Stickerei architektonischer Motive zu spezialisieren.


JLim, Chinese translation (2016)

See Teachers section for more information.


Stefano Vettori, Italian translation (2016)


I have a degree in mathematics and physics. I have been interested in Feng Shui since 1988; I have been studying Feng Shui professionally since 1994 and I have started teaching it since 1998. Over time I deepened my knowledge in various ways: following a curricular training, through private lessons and meetings, and by my personal research. From 2005 onwards, I have been offering a professional training to become a Feng Shui consultant. My approach is based on the experimental verification of theories, on the development of mind-body integration (necessary in order to have a clean perception of the environments, and environmental stimuli), on the study of Feng Shui classics.

I have been interested in Ba Zi since 2003. I have deepened different approaches, and the study of the classics. However, it seems clear to me that the classics were written by experts, to be read by experts. Classical texts are a guide, but often the 'unwritten' is more important than what is written. My approach in reading a birth chart, is understanding the Personal Destiny that we received in this life. The goal is to take greater control over our Destiny, to know how to manage it, to know how to make the right choices in life and to know when to make them.

I am the school's didactic director, researcher, lecturer, and I regularly conduct Feng Shui and Ba Zi consultations.

More information:


In Italian:

Laureato in matematica e fisica, mi sono interessato di Feng Shui fin dal 1988. Ho studiato professionalmente Feng Shui dal 1994 e ho iniziato a insegnarlo dal 1998. Nel tempo ho approfondito le mie conoscenze in vari modi: seguendo una formazione curricolare, tramite lezioni e incontri privati, e con la mia ricerca personale. Dal 2005 ho iniziato a proporre il percorso formativo professionale per diventare consulente Feng Shui. Il mio approccio si basa sulla verifica sperimentale delle teorie, sullo sviluppo dell'integrazione mente-corpo (necessario per poter avere una percezione pulita degli ambienti e degli stimoli ambientali), sullo studio dei classici del Feng Shui.

Mi sono interessato al Ba Zi dal 2003. Ho approfondito diverse impostazioni e lo studio dei classici. Tuttavia, a me sembra evidente che i classici sono stati scritti da esperti, per essere letti da esperti. I testi classici sono una guida, ma spesso il 'non detto' è più importante di ciò che è detto. Nella mia ricerca, ho come abiettivo la lettura del tema natale, intesa come interpretazione del Destino Personale che abbiamo ricevuto in questa vita. L'obiettivo è assumere maggiore controllo sul nostro Destino, saperlo gestire, saper compiere le scelte giuste nella vita e sapere quando compierle.

Sono direttore didattico della scuola, ricercatore, docente, e conduco regolarmente consulenze di Feng Shui e Ba Zi.

Maggiori informazioni:


Simon Hornyánszky, Miskolc, Hungary, Hungarian translation (2017)


Since 2017, I have a recurring online BaZi course mostly based on traditional sources, classical literature (Di Tian Sui, San Ming Tong Hui, Zi Ping Zhen Quan Ping Zhu), and also modern applications (BaZi in business, BaZi in leadership, BaZi as a tool for arousing motivation, career selection, synastry etc.). Both based on and explained by real examples and fundamental principles of BaZi, not mere applications, nor just theories. The course is 2-year long, altogether 1200 pages of written text, also with many hours of video and voice records. There are monthly discussions of the material and live meetings in every semester (6-months). It is currently available only in Hungarian, but some day I will possibly step further towards English language speakers.

I regularly do BaZi and Feng Shui assessments, usually together with QiMen as one holistic approach. This can also be performed in English, so if you are interested in my readings (online), please write me an email - see my contact info on the top of my webpage, linked below.

More about me, my teachers and my professional background:


In Hungarian:

2017 óta vezetek online Négypilléres Sorsfejtés (BaZi) tanfolyamot klasszikus kínai sorsfejtési szakirodalomból (Di Tian Sui, San Ming Tong Hui, Zi Ping Zhen Quan Ping Zhu) merítve, hagyományos alapelvekre építve. Emellett sor kerül a mai, modern alkalmazásokra is (üzleti alkalmazások, vezetéselméleti összefüggések a képletben, ösztönző hajtóerők feltérképezése, pályaválasztás, képletösszevetés/szinasztria stb.). Ezek nem pusztán elméletek vagy magyarázat nélküli gyakorlatok, a módszer alapelvei és valós példák mentén támasztom alá őket. A képzés két éves, összesen mintegy 1200 oldalnyi írott anyaghoz, számos órányi videó- és hanganyaghoz kapnak hozzáférést a tanulók, mindemellett havonta csoportos beszélgetések, félévente pedig élő személyes találkozók vannak.

A tanítás mellett egységes egészként alkalmazom a Bazi, FengShui és QiMen módszereket tanácsadásaim során. Keress bátran a honlapomon található elérhetőségeimen.

További részletek rólam, tanáraimról és szakmai hátteremről:


Kim An, Hanoi, Vietnam / Rome, Italy, Vietnamese translation (2017)

Kim An

My name is Kim An. Thanks to tradition of my parents, Masters Thìn Mỹ who gave Bazi readings, Zi Wei Dou Shu readings and Fengshui services for many years since 1990, in Cầu Gỗ Street in Hanoi, Vietnam, I inherited their precious experience, also theirs notes and many old books of metafysics.

I have given Bazi readings and Fengshui services for years to many customers not only in Vietnam, but also around the world, in United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, USA, Canada, Australia…

Most of my clients are word of mouth thanks to high quality of my precise and devoted services. The purpose of my service is to help people to know about their destiny use and all the methods to improve their life immediately and efficiently.

Please visite my website (FB: NguyenLanKimAn) to know all about my services or to get basic knowledge about Bazi and Fengshui (currently only in Vietnamese). You can contact me in Vietnamese, English, French and Italian.

I'm honoured to be invited by Voytek, the author of Bazi-calculator, to collaborate in Vietnamese translation of his website which has more than 10 languages and hunderds of thousands visits monthly and I thank him for that.

Thank you for attention and see you soon!


In Vietnamese:

Tôi là Kim An. Tôi được may mắn kế thừa truyền thống xem Tứ trụ, Tử vi và Phong Thủy từ bố mẹ tôi, ông Thìn và bà Mỹ, từng cung cấp dịch vụ cách đây hơn 30 năm ở phố Cầu Gỗ, ngay giữa khu phố cổ Thủ đô Hà Nội, Việt Nam, cũng như được thừa hưởng những kinh nghiệm, sách vở, ghi chép vô cùng quý báu của bố mẹ.

Nhận thấy khả năng mình có thể kế thừa rất tốt, tôi đã hành nghề xem Tứ trụ và Phong Thủy nhiều năm và được sự ủng hộ của rất nhiều khách hàng không chỉ ở Việt Nam còn ở các nước trên thế giới như Anh, Pháp, Ý, Đức, Thụy Điển, Mỹ, Canada, Úc...

Lượng khách tăng lên không ngừng cũng nhờ sự truyền miệng của khách hàng về chất lượng tư vấn Tứ trụ và Phong Thủy của tôi hết sức chi tiết và tận tình.   Mục đích dịch vụ của tôi là giúp khách hàng biết rõ số phận của mình và các phương pháp Cải tạo Vận Mệnh bằng Tứ trụ và Phong Thủy nhằm đón cát tránh hung một cách tức thời và hiệu quả.

Hãy ghé thăm website của tôi (FB: NguyenLanKimAn) để được biết đầy đủ mọi dịch vụ tôi cung cấp hoặc chỉ đơn giản để tìm hiểu về các bộ môn Tứ trụ và Phong Thủy!

Tôi hãnh diện được anh Voytek, tác giả người Ba Lan của website, mời cộng tác xây dựng phần tiếng Việt công trình Lập lá số Tứ trụ có hơn 10 ngôn ngữ khác nhau và lượng truy cập khổng lồ 160.000 lượt hàng tháng và xin cảm ơn anh về điều này!

Xin chân thành cảm ơn và hẹn gặp lại!


Radu Timis, Romanian translation (2019)

More information:


Ghada Mohamed Samir Fayad, Cairo, Egypt, Arabic translation (2020)


Bachelor Degree of Communication Engineering at Cairo University-Egypt, High Diplomas in Computer Science from AUC and IDSC.

Worked in Software Development field in highly qualified and distinguished Software Authorities and Companies like IDSC, Fujitsu, Orascom, Solutions Plus, and finally as Senior Developer/Department Manager in GAFI (General Authority for Investment and Free Zones).

I have been much fascinated about astrology, both Western and Chinese, since I were young. I used to explore and read from different sources in that field. Since 2015 I took some online courses concerning astrology and Bazi, mainly from Joey Yap, and his consultant Iverson Lee, till I came by site and was fascinated by its accuracy and details. I have offered my desire to translate it to my native language, as I am eager to introduce and spread that Science to Arabs. There are many here interested in metaphysics but unfortunately language stands as a barrier to many, so I found this was good chance to introduce that marvelous field to our Arab world.

Being a developer and fascinated by Bazi ٍScience, in addition to my desire for our Arab world to know more about that great science, has encouraged me to start developing a Bazi site offering some interpretations and readings for beginners.

More information:


In Arabic:

غادة محمد سمير فياض ، القاهره ، مصر، ترجمه للغه العربيه(2020)

مهندسه حاصله على درجة البكالوريوس في هندسة الاتصالات جامعة القاهرة - مصر ، دبلومات عليا في علوم الكمبيوتر من الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة ، ومركز معلومات مجلس الوزراء.

عملت في مجال تطوير البرمجيات في هيئات وشركات برمجيات عالية الكفاءة ومتميزة مثل مجلس الوزراء و فوجيتسو ، و أوراسكوم ، و سولوشنز بلس، وأخيراً كمطور أول / مدير إدارة بالهيئة العامة للاستثمار والمناطق الحرة.

منذ الصغر وانا مفتونة جدًا بعلم التنجيم ، الغربي والصيني ، أستكشف وأقرأ من مصادر مختلفة في هذا المجال ، وقد اشتركت ببعض الدورات التدريبية عبر الإنترنت المتعلقة بعلم التنجيم و البازي ، وخاصة جوي ياب والآن مستشاره ايفرسون لي، حتى أتيت لموقع

bazi-calculculator.comالذي ابهرني بدقته وتفاصيله ، وعرضت رغبتي في الترجمة إلى لغتي الأم ، لأنني حريصه على تقديم ونشر هذا العلم للعرب ، فهناك الكثير هنا مهتمون بالميتافيزيقا ولكن للاسف اللغة تقف حائلا أمام الكثير ، لذلك وجدت أن هذه كانت فرصة جيدة لإعلام أمتنا العربية بالمزيد عن هذا المجال الرائع.

كوني مطورًا للبرامج ومقتونه بعلم ببازي ، بالإضافة إلى رغبتي في أن يعرف عالمنا العربي المزيد عن هذا العلم العظيم ، شجعني على البدء في تطوير موقع بازي يقدم بعض القراءات والتفسيرات للمبتدئين.

للعثور على المزيد من خلال هذا الرابط:

Sekiz Kutu, Germany, Turkish translation (2021)

Sekiz kutu means eight boxes. This is the name I have chosen for my social media account. I thought each box refers to one of the eight energies in a BaZi chart. The account is new and not yet much content is included, but definitely more to come... Sometime in the future, there will be a homepage, too. The person who has translated the BaZi Calculator and the one behind these lines is made of flesh and blood as you are, and I also work hard to tackle the obstacles in life. It was not long ago, as I came across with BaZi SuanMing, I fell in love with this system – this would be the best definition. After using the knowledge in my life and being astonished about the accuracy, the next logical step was to expand this gem. That's why I came up with setting up an account and sharing basic information about the five elements, yin & yang and the setup of a BaZi chart. My ambition and my message is more important than who I am, so I am leaving the reader with some mystery about my person. I believe that wisdom has to be shared... so this is my contribution to the ones who are interested in learning BaZi SuanMing.

Website: Sekiz Kutu - Facebook


In Turkish:

Sekiz kutu ismini sosyal medya hesabı için ben seçtim. Her bir kutu, BaZi hayat haritasındaki sekiz enerjiden birini temsil eder diye düşündüm. Bu hesap daha çok yeni ve henüz fazla paylaşımı yok, ama devamı kesinlikle gelecek... Bir zaman sonra, bir internet sayfası da olacak. BaZi Hesap Cetvelini tercüme eden ve bu yazıları yazan ben de sizler gibi canlı bir insanım ve hayattaki engellerle başa çıkmak için uğraşıyorum. Kısa bir süre önce BaZi SuanMing ile karşılaştığımda bu sistemin müptelası oldum dersem ifade tam yerinde olur. Kendi hayatımda bu bilgiyi kullandıktan ve doğruluğu konusunda hayrete düştükten sonra gelen en mantıklı adım bu cevheri yaymaktı. İşte bu yüzden bir hesap açtım ve beş element, yin & yang ve BaZi hayat haritasının yapısı hakkında temel bilgileri paylaşmaya başladım. Amacım ve mesajım kim olduğumdan daha önemli. Bu yüzden okuyucuyu kimliğim konusunda az da olsa gizemde bırakıyorum. Bilginin paylaşılması gerektiğine inanıyorum... onun için bu hizmetim ile BaZi SuanMing öğrenmek isteyenleri elimden geldiğince destekliyorum.

Website: Sekiz Kutu - Facebook


Natalia Zhuravel, Ukraine, Ukrainian translation (2023)

Natalia Zhuravel

I have been practicing Chinese metaphysics since 2003. In 2010 I graduated from the Grand Master Yap Chen Hai Academy in Malaysia. Studied at the Joseph Yu School. Studied with Raymond Lo, Manfred Kubny, Mimi Moorhouse, Derek Walters. Master Eduardo Hess holds a special place in my life. I am very grateful to him for everything he has done for me and my family.

All my life I have studied Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi Men Dun Jia, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Da Liu Ren and medicine. By education I am a doctor bacteriologist, virologist. I use Chinese medicine in my practice. I teach Medical Astrology. My author's course "Metaphysics of Diseases" is based on Bazi and Feng Shui. The course is intended as an auxiliary tool for the medical practice of doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists.

I have digitized my experience into books and distance learning courses in Ukrainian and English, which you can buy:

Now I live between Ukraine and Italy, I work all over Europe. Among my clients are businessmen, show business stars, famous politicians and ordinary people. I have implemented many private and commercial Feng Shui projects in Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, USA, Sri Lanka and Israel. More information here:

I am very grateful to Voytek for the quality professional Bazi calculator, which, in my opinion, is number 1 in the world today. Many formulas and techniques not only of Bazi, but also of other sections of Chinese metaphysics are presented in one place at the same time. Special attention Xuan Kong Da Gua Date selection - it is exclusive.


In Ukrainian:

Я практикую китайську метафізику з 2003 року. У 2010 році закінчила Академію Гранд Майстра Яп Чен Хая у Малайзії. Навчалася у школі Джозефа Ю. Навчалася у Реймонда Ло, Манфреда Кубні, Мімі Мурхаус, Дерека Уолтерса. Майстер Едуардо Хесс займає особливе місце в моєму житті. Я дуже вдячна йому за все, що він зробив для мене та моєї родини.

Все життя я вивчала Феншуй, Бацзи, Ци Мень Дунь Цзя, Цзи Вей Доу Шу, Да Лю Рен і медицину. За освітою я лікар бактеріолог, вірусолог. Я використовую китайську медицину в своїй практиці. Викладаю Медичну Астрологію. Мій авторський курс «Метафізика Хвороб» заснований на Бацзи та Феншуй. Курс призначений як допоміжний інструмент для медичної практики лікарів, психологів і психотерапевтів.

Свій досвід і знання я оцифрувала у книги та дистанційні курси українською та англійською мовами, які можна придбати:

Зараз я живу між Україною та Італією, працюю по всій Європі. Серед моїх клієнтів - бізнесмени, зірки шоу-бізнесу, відомі політики і звичайні люди. Багато приватних і комерційних проектів з Феншуй реалізовано в Україні, Німеччині, Італії, Бельгії, Швейцарії, Іспанії, Португалії, США, Шрі-Ланці та Ізраїлі. Більше інформації:

Я дуже вдячна Voytek за якісний професійний калькулятор Bazi, який, на мій погляд, сьогодні є №1 у світі. Багато формул і прийомів не тільки Бацзи, але й інших розділів китайської метафізики представлені в одному місці одночасно. Особлива увага Xuan Kong Da Gua Вибір дат - це ексклюзив.


Hagit Mashiach Alon, Israel, Hebrew translation (2024)


Hagit Mashiach-Alon is a seasoned HR leader with over two decades of experience driving strategic human resource initiatives across diverse industries & global organizations.

Hagit holds a BA in Behavioral Sciences, from Ben Gurion University and an MBA specializing in Human Resources from the College of Management Academic Studies, as well as an MA in Organizational Development and Consultancy.

In addition to her extensive HR experience, Hagit possesses profound knowledge in Chinese astrology and numerology, offering unique insights into personal and professional development & consultancy. Her journey into Chinese astrology began with two renowned teachers in Israel and expanded through autodidactic efforts, including studying numerous books from various sources. Hagit further honed her skills by attending a seminar led by Joey Yap, a renowned expert in Chinese metaphysics.

I am very grateful to Voytek for the quality professional Bazi calculator, which, in my opinion, gathered many formulas and techniques of Bazi, but also of other sections of Chinese metaphysics, all in one place and price.

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Special Clients & Helpful people

Ognyan Vasilev « Ogi », Bulgaria


Profession: Quality Director Europe in Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. (one of the big electronics assembly corporations with headquarters in the Philippines), LinkedIn profile:

Experience: Qi Gong, Tai Ji and Martial Arts (Shotokan Karate and Shaolin Long Fist) since 1982; BaZi and Yi Jing since 1992 (including Wen Wang Gua and Mei Hua Yi Shu), Zi Wei Dou Shu since 2010 (both San He and Si Hua methods).

Qi Gong school: Jing Dao Traditional Daoist arts under Master Zhongxian Wu since 2012.

Special thanks to people whom I learned a lot from: Master Yang Zwing Ming, Annie Pecheva, Harmen Mesker, Zy Tan.

Participated in development of Chinese Metaphysics software presented at:


Sean Chan, Singapore


An old soul trapped in a young man’s body, Sean Chan is a self-taught practitioner and thought-leader in his field who found his affinity with Chinese metaphysics through the classical texts of feudal China.

One of the leading Chinese metaphysics practitioners in Southeast Asia, Sean serves a global clientele and has dedicated himself to helping his clients lead better lives using Chinese astrology and feng shui. He specialized in BaZi, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dun Jia, and Feng Shui. Sean addresses modern-day misconceptions and malpractices on his blog and hopes to restore Chinese metaphysics to its former glory, so that one day, everyone can benefit from it the way the Chinese sages intended.

Services Provided: 1) BaZi 2) Zi Wei Dou Shu 3) Qi Men Dun Jia Divination 4) Feng Shui 5) Date Selection 6) Name Selection



Florin Ciupitu, Romania


2007. Then it all started, passionate about color, I was looking for someone to tell me how to color the walls of the apartment. Immediately I went to the first course of traditional Feng Shui receiving the teachings of the master Yoseph Yu.

2008-2010 I attended the courses of the great master Raymond Lo: Feng Shui, Bazi and I Ching. Then I was attracted to Chinese culture and civilization.

Since then I have read a lot of books. I participate in other courses, learn methods of analyzing from Joey Yap, Ken Lai, Vincent Koh.

The purpose was to learn who I am to understand myself and those around me and find solutions to the problems of everyday life.

I am a practitioner of traditional Feng Shui and Bazi and want to help people. Information about me can be found on




Website Founder

Wojciech Jach « Voytek », Wrocław, Poland


I have been passionate about Ba Zi since 2008. I got the basic knowledge of this subject at Feng Shui Academy in Wrocław, Poland. In 2010 I took up more intensive study with Arkadiusz Paniuticz « RapaNui », who gave me a lot of his knowledge about Ba Zi, gained from masters such as Joseph Yu, Ken Lai, and Heluo. I am grateful to RapaNui for his constant willingness to share knowledge and for invaluable information.

I am currently studying the fascinating Mang Pai Ba Zi school, or Blindman school, with Master JLim 林文友 from Indonesia (see above for more information). I also stay in touch with various Ba Zi teachers from several countries with whom we share experiences.

In 2014, I created the, because I needed a really convenient and accurate tool to perform Ba Zi calculations. The website turned out to be a success, currently it is translated into 12 languages, is visited by tens of thousands of users per month, with hundreds of thousands of pageviews.

I am also passionate about traditional Chinese medicine, which I have been studying since 2008 and using in practice since 2016. I am currently studying TCM with Claude Diolosa. I have also been interested in healing for years, I have completed courses in Spiritual Healing, Reiki III, dowsing, the Silva method, natural therapies.

In my Ba Zi courses, which I have been running in Wrocław since 2019, I combine knowledge from Ba Zi and traditional Chinese medicine. Combining these fields broadens diagnostics and enables a holistic approach to healing, encompassing the body, emotions and spirit.

I gained experience as a programmer in a small company in Wrocław.. By education I am philospher, I have studied philosophy in Wrocław University, I have always been interested in metaphysical matters and those related to humans. is the fruit of combination of my two passions: programming and metaphysics.

Thank you to all my teachers, translators and helpful people for participating in the creation of the Ba Zi calculator.


In Polish:

Pasjonuję się Ba Zi od 2008 roku. Pierwsze informacje na ten temat zdobyłem w Akademii Feng Shui we Wrocławiu. W 2010 roku podjąłem bardziej intensywną naukę u Arkadiusza Paniuticza, który przekazał mi ogrom swojej wiedzy na temat Ba Zi, zdobytej u mistrzów takich jak Joseph Yu, Ken Lai, Heluo. Jestem wdzięczny Arkadiuszowi za jego nieustanną chęć dzielenia się wiedzą oraz bezcenne informacje.

W 2014 roku założyłem stronę, ponieważ potrzebowałem naprawdę wygodnego i dokładnego narzędzia do wykonywania obliczeń Ba Zi. Strona okazała się sukcesem, obecnie jest przetłumaczona na kilkanaście języków, jest odwiedzana przez dziesiątki tysięcy użytkowników miesięcznie, z setkoma tysiącami odsłon.

Obecnie studiuję szkołę Mang Pai Ba Zi (szkołę Ślepców), której uczę się od mistrza JLim 林文友 z Indonezji (więcej informacji powyżej). Pozostaję również w stałym kontakcie z różnymi nauczycielami Ba Zi z kilku krajów, z którymi dzielimy się doświadczeniami.

Pasjonuję się medycyną chińską, którą studiuję od 2008 roku i wykorzystuję w praktyce od 2016. Obecnie studiuję TCM na kursach Claude'a Diolosy. Od lat interesuję się również uzdrawianiem, ukończyłem kursy Uzdrawiania Duchowego, Reiki III, radiestezji, metody Silvy, terapii naturalnych.

Na swoich kursach Ba Zi, które prowadzę we Wrocławiu od 2019 roku, łączę wiedzę z Ba Zi i tradycyjnej medycyny chińskiej. Połączenie tych dziedzin poszerza diagnostykę oraz umożliwia holistyczne podejście do uzdrawiania, obejmując zarówno ciało, jak i emocje i ducha osoby.

Doświadczenie jako programista zdobyłem w niewielkiej firmie we Wrocławiu. Z wykształcenia jestem filozofem, studiowałem filozofię na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim, od zawsze interesowały mnie sprawy metafizyczne, oraz te związane z człowiekiem. Strona jest owocem połączenia moich dwóch pasji: programowania i metafizyki.

Dziękuję wszystkim moim nauczycielom, tłumaczom oraz pomocnym ludziom za współudział w tworzeniu kalkulatora Ba Zi.



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