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This site contains 20221 charts of famous people.



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  • 1.  Kors, Michael  (Gui Hai) popular chartMichael David Kors is an American fashion designer. He is the honorary chairman and chief creative officer of his brand, Michael Kors, which sells men"s and women"s ready-to-wear,.... Day Master: Gui Hai. Year: Ji Hai.
  • 2.  Koresh, David  (Xin Wei) David Koresh was the American leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect, believing himself to be its final prophet. Howell legally changed his name to David Koresh on May 15,.... Day Master: Xin Wei. Year: Ji Hai.
  • 3.  Kohl, Helmut  (Gui Wei) Helmut Josef Michael Kohl is a German conservative politician and statesman. He served as Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and as the chairman of the Christian Democratic Union .... Day Master: Gui Wei. Year: Geng Wu.