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 08:30   07     05    2024   Male  
  Ren    Xin    Ji     Jia  
 Chen    Wei    Si    Chen  

 2113   2103   2093   2083   2073   2063   2053   2043   2033  
  Wu    Ding   Bing    Yi     Jia    Gui    Ren    Xin   Geng  
  Yin   Chou    Zi     Hai    Xu     You   Shen    Wei    Wu   

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"The program is very good, better than 90% of the Chinese 4P software (forget the English ones)" - Ken Lai

"Very recommended for serious Bazi researchers and enthusiasts! Nice features to search for specific chart configurations. And the best part is tons of birth charts of famous and ordinary people, all the plotting work already done for users!" - Jlim, Five Arts Forum Global Moderator

ขอบคุณ RapaNui สำหรับคำแนะนำ คำปรึกษา สำหรับข้อมูลความรุ้ ดวงจีน , PJ สำหรับภาษาไทย

Disclaimer / Author's Note

1. Calculations listed above should not be the only consideration in decision making. Life is much more complicated than these charts.
2. What is metaphysics today, will be physics tomorrow. Every science holds some truth, while being erratic to some extent.
3. Even if a day seems auspicious / inauspicious, its results may be different depending on what we do and how we act. Bad luck teaches us, good luck makes us lazy.
4. We shouldn't expect that divination system will tell us the truth about our future, as the future is becoming a history that - based on what is given to us - we write ourselves. Destiny is about possibility, history is what we make of it.
5. Free will overweights destiny. Free will overcomes destiny. Forgetting about it is comfortable, so we're used to do it. This is the danger of destiny science.

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