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Qi Men Dun Jia Calculator

 Carta kelahiran
2025-03-10 00:58, GMT+8, 120°. Pembetulan minit: -10.6 (Longitud: 0 + : -10.6); RST=0:47
0:47 RST 10 3 2025

Chart Metrics

ChaiBu Cycle: Yang 4
ZhiRun Cycle: Yang 3
Yuan: 3
Lead Stem: 9. Ren (Yang Water)
Lead Door: 7. Jīng (Frightening )
Lead Star: 7. Zhù (Pillar )
Auspiciousness: - generally auspicious
- generally inauspicious   - contextual
- strenghtening   - weakening door/star
Ø - Cawangan kosong   - kuda kembara
 6. Ji
Yin Earth
 2. Zhū què
Red bird
 6. Ji
Yin Earth
 4. Xun
 3. Shāng
Chen, Si 
 4. Ding
Yin Fire
 7. Jiǔ Dì
 4. Ding
Yin Fire
 9. Yīng
 9. Li
 2. Yi
Yin Wood
 6. Jiǔ tiān
 2. Yi
Yin Wood
 2. Ruì
 2. Kun
 9. Jǐng
Wei, Shen 
 5. Wu
Yang Earth  (Day) 
 9. Gōu chén
 5. Wu
Yang Earth
 3. Chōng
 3. Zhen
 8. Shēng
 7. Geng
Yang Metal
 7. Geng
Yang Metal


 9. Ren
Yang Water  (Hour
 1. Zhí Fú
 9. Ren
Yang Water
 7. Zhù
 7. Dui
 10. Gui
Yin Water
 4. Liù hé
 10. Gui
Yin Water
 8. Rèn
 8. Gen
 1. Xiū
Chou, YinØ 
 3. Bing
Yang Fire
 3. Tài yīn
Great Yin
 3. Bing
Yang Fire
 1. Péng
 1. Kan
 6. Kāi
 8. Xin
Yin Metal
 8. Téng shé
 8. Xin
Yin Metal
 6. Xīn
 6. Qian
 7. Jīng
Xu, Hai 

Click on a palace to see details
(doors, stars, stem strength and more - Premium accounts only)

Pilihan carta  

Below you can find some descriptions of doors, stars and dieties useful during qi men dun jia chart interpretation.

Opening Door is a door for starting and supporting a business or business-related activity. It is related to Qian which represents Heaven, father, strong Yang, head, emperor and leader.
Related symbols: new beginnings, creating new things, overcoming obstacles, new opportunities, smooth progress.
Good for: opening a new business, opening ceremony, marriage, building a new home, traveling, religious activities, changing home, starting a new job or getting a promotion.
Bad for: civil matters and obtaining private and secret information about someone.

Resting Door is the door of replenishing resources. Related to Kan trigram, which represents Water, a young man, winter. This is a time when energy prepares for rebirth.
Related symbols: rest, taking care of relationships, activities promoting rest and relaxation, activities that come easily and without effort, nobility, helpful people.
Great for: meetings with helpful people, discussions, solving legal problems outside of court, peace negotiations ending with an agreement, marriage, relaxing entertainment, traveling, time for yourself to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul, ensuring the smooth running of operations and affairs, wealth development, home renovation, moving, scientific and research activities.
Bad for: initiating lawsuit.

Growing Door is a Door of great majesty. Related to Gen which represents the mountain and boys. After the spring equinox, everything comes alive again and the Yang spirit gradually increases. The Earth becomes the Gate of Life to the new.
Related symbols: growth, the flowering of abundance in all aspects of life, the source of multiplying wealth, profits, progress and taking life to a higher level.
Best for: investments, all finance related matters, jobs, constructions, marriage.
Bad for: funerals.

Harming Door is connected with Zhen Palace, representing the eldest son, thunder and movement that is excessive and perhaps leads to pain.
Related symbols: failures and obstacles, damages, unfortunate incidents in life, hunting, gambling.
Good for: collecting debts or monies owed, initiating lawsuits against others, hunting, fishing, seeking revenge, stopping thieves and criminals, confronting opponents, sometimes gambling.
Bad for: marriage, traveling, renovating and moving, starting new things, starting a business, constructions, changing jobs and career advancement.

Hiding Door is related to the Xun Palace. Xun represents the southeast, wood and wind, the eldest sister.
Related symbols: mysterious, unexpected events in life, obstacles and difficulties, lack of opportunities.
Good for: collecting debts and financial liabilities, tracking others, apprehending thieves and criminals, setting traps and seeking revenge, sending or delivering confidential documents, hiding and avoiding enemies, organizing secret meetings and trysts, avoiding negative publicity in the media, also hunting.
Bad for: general affairs, traveling, gatherings with loved ones and family, wealth-related activities.

Showing Door is like a liaison officer. This house's origins goes back to Li Palace (South) and belongs to Fire. It represents Summer and the middle girl.
Related symbols: honor and fame, attractiveness, revealing things and affairs, outstanding achievements, appearance.
Good for: socializing, exams, job interviews, sales, elections, attention seeking, public speaking, presentations, management and archiving, filing complaints and requests, increasing popularity.
Bad for: general matters, traveling, matters related to finances.

Dying Door comes from the southwest, where Kun resides. This is where punishments and sentences. This door belongs to Earth element. Kun represents mother, warehouse, darkness, concealment and death.
Everything has a beginning and an end, so this is the place where the journey ends.
Related symbols: inactivity, aging, death, negative or stagnant energies, delays, interruptions in activities.
Good for: funerals, matters related to death, honoring ancestors, religious and spiritual activities, administering punishment.
Bad for: matters related to finances, matters related to improving health.

Frightening Door involves surprise and damage. Connected to Dui Palace which is located in the West and belongs to the Metal element.
Dui represents the lake, autumn, scarcity, metal, young women.
Doors represent: shock, pain, quarrel, lawsuit, fear and anger, stress, doubt, restless mind, anxiety, suspicion.
Good for: issuing warnings, threats, arresting criminals, declaring war.
Bad for: matters related to finances, matters related to improving health.

"Program ini sangat baik, lebih baik daripada 90% perisian 4P Cina (lupakan yang bahasa Inggeris)" - Ken Lai

"Sangat disyorkan untuk penyelidik dan peminat Bazi yang serius! Ciri yang bagus untuk mencari konfigurasi carta tertentu. Dan bahagian yang terbaik ialah banyak carta kelahiran orang terkenal dan biasa, semua kerja perancangan telah dilakukan untuk pengguna!" - JLim, Moderator Global Forum Lima Seni

Terima kasih khas kepada: RapaNui untuk pengetahuan dan nasihat, Aaron untuk terjemahan.

Penafian / Nota Pengarang

1. Pengiraan yang disenaraikan di atas tidak seharusnya menjadi satu-satunya pertimbangan dalam membuat keputusan. Kehidupan jauh lebih rumit daripada carta ini.
2. Apa itu metafizik hari ini, akan jadi fizik esok. Setiap sains memegang beberapa kebenaran, sementara menjadi tidak menentu sedikit sebanyak.
3. Walaupun suatu hari nampak bertuah / tidak menguntungkan, hasilnya mungkin berbeza bergantung pada apa yang kita lakukan dan cara kita bertindak. Nasib buruk mengajar kita, nasib baik menjadikan kita malas.
4. Kehendak bebas mengatasi takdir. Melupakannya adalah selesa, jadi kami sudah biasa melakukannya. Inilah bahayanya ilmu takdir.
5. Kita tidak seharusnya mengharapkan sistem ramalan akan memberitahu kita kebenaran tentang masa depan kita, kerana masa depan menjadi sejarah yang - berdasarkan apa yang diberikan kepada kita - kita menulis sendiri. Takdir adalah tentang kemungkinan, sejarah adalah apa yang kita buat daripadanya.

Ciri kalkulator BaZi: kalkulator bazi mengira interaksi batang dan cawangan, bintang simbolik, Na Yin, DHHS, fasa Qi, kekuatan induk hari, melukis carta. Ia ditakdirkan untuk perunding BaZi sebagai alat yang berguna untuk bacaan BaZi. Tong Shu dalam talian juga menunjukkan carta feng shui bintang terbang dan maklumat lain yang berguna semasa menyediakan analisis BaZi.

More calculators: Ba Zi - Four Pillars | Xuan Kong Da Gua - Date Selection | Tong Shu - Almanac | He Luo Li Shu - Yi Jing Astrology

Hak Cipta untuk Kalkulator BaZi: Anda bebas untuk menyalin kandungan tapak ini, tetapi ia adalah cara yang baik untuk memasukkan pautan ke bazi-calculator.com sebagai pertukaran.

Terma dan syarat | Dasar Privasi dan Kuki.