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Popular Most popular charts

  • 1.  Ali, Muhammad  (Geng Wu) popular chartMuhammad Ali is an American former professional boxer, generally considered among the greatest heavyweights in the sport"s history. A controversial and polarizing figure during his early.... Day Master: Geng Wu. Year: Xin Si.
  • 2.  Alba, Jessica  (Bing Zi) popular chartJessica Marie Alba is an American film and television actress, model, and businesswoman. She began her television and movie appearances at age 13 in Camp Nowhere and The Secret World of.... Day Master: Bing Zi. Year: Xin You.
  • 3.  Allen, Woody  (Xin Hai) popular chartHeywood "Woody" Allen is an American actor, filmmaker, comedian, musician, and playwright whose career spans more than 50 years. He worked as a comedy writer in the 1950s, writing jokes.... Day Master: Xin Hai. Year: Yi Hai.
  • 4.  Allman, Gregg  (Xin You) popular chartGregory LeNoir "Gregg" Allman is an American rock and blues singer-songwriter, keyboardist, guitarist and a founding member of The Allman Brothers Band. He was inducted with the band into.... Day Master: Xin You. Year: Ding Hai.
  • 5.  Albert, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom  (Bing Yin) popular chart
  • 6.  Alexander, Jason  (Wu Shen) Jay Scott Greenspan , better known by his professional name of Jason Alexander, is an American actor, director, producer, writer, singer, and comedian. He is best known for his role as.... Day Master: Wu Shen. Year: Ji Hai.
  • 7.  Alcott, Louisa May  (Geng Xu) Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist best known as author of the novel Little Women and its sequels Little Men and Jo"s Boys. Raised by her transcendentalist parents, Abigail May and.... Day Master: Geng Xu. Year: Ren Chen.
  • 8.  Almodóvar, Pedro  (Wu Wu) Pedro Almodóvar Caballero is a Spanish filmmaker, director, screenwriter, producer, and former actor. His films are marked by his employment of certain actors including Antonio Banderas.... Day Master: Wu Wu. Year: Ji Chou.
  • 9.  Alexei, Czarevitch (1904)  (Wu Yin) Alexei Nikolaevich of the House of Romanov, was the Tsesarevich and heir apparent to the throne of the Russian Empire. He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and.... Day Master: Wu Yin. Year: Jia Chen.
  • 10.  Alexandra, Czarina of Russia  (Jia Shen) Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, later Alexandra Feodorovna , was Empress consort of Russia because she was the spouse of Nicholas II, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire. Born a.... Day Master: Jia Shen. Year: Ren Shen.