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Carte persone famose
Questo sito contiene 71065 carte natali di persone famose.
Indice alfabetico:
- 1. Xenia, Grand Duchess of Russia (Wu Xu)

Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia was the elder daughter and fourth child of Tsar Alexander III of Russia and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia and the sister of Emperor...
. Day Master: Wu Xu. Year: Yi Hai. - 2. Xiao Qian (Ren Chen)

Xiao Qian , alias Ruoping , was a famous essayist, editor, journalist and translator from China. His life spanned the country before and after the establishment of the People"s Republic of...
. Day Master: Ren Chen. Year: Ji You. - 3. Xuxa (Ji Si)

Maria da Graça Xuxa Meneghel commonly known as Xuxa , is a Brazilian television presenter, film actress, singer and businesswoman. Her various shows have been broadcast in Portuguese,...
. Day Master: Ji Si. Year: Gui Mao. - 4. X, Mrs. Muriel (Ding Chou)