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Famous charts

This site contains 64318 charts of famous people.

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Popular Most popular charts

  • 1.  Gomez, Selena  (Ji Hai) popular chartSelena Marie Gomez is an American actress and singer. Gomez first made her debut appearing as Gianna in Barney & Friends, lasting from 2002 to 2004. Following this, Gomez had cameo.... Day Master: Ji Hai. Year: Ren Shen.
  • 2.  Gosling, Ryan  (Ji Chou) popular chartRyan Thomas Gosling is a Canadian actor and musician. He began his career as a child star on the Disney Channel"s The Mickey Mouse Club , and went on to appear in other family.... Day Master: Ji Chou. Year: Geng Shen.
  • 3.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von  (Ren Xu) popular chartJohann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer and statesman. His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metres and styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an.... Day Master: Ren Xu. Year: Ji Si.
  • 4.  Gore, Al  (Yi Mao) popular chartAlbert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. is an American politician, advocate and philanthropist, who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States , under President Bill Clinton. He was the.... Day Master: Yi Mao. Year: Wu Zi.
  • 5.  Gorbachev, Mikhail  (Bing Chen) popular chart
  • 6.  Goebbels, Joseph  (Geng Shen) popular chartPaul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. As one of Adolf Hitler"s closest associates and most devoted followers, he.... Day Master: Geng Shen. Year: Ding You.
  • 7.  Goldman, Jean-Jacques  (Jia Shen) popular chartJean-Jacques Goldman is a Grammy Award-winning French singer-songwriter. He is hugely popular in the French-speaking world, and since 2003 has been the second-highest-grossing French.... Day Master: Jia Shen. Year: Xin Mao.
  • 8.  Gombrowicz, Witold  (Geng Wu) popular chartWitold Marian Gombrowicz was a Polish writer and playwright. His works are characterised by deep psychological analysis, a certain sense of paradox and absurd, anti-nationalist flavor. In.... Day Master: Geng Wu. Year: Jia Chen.
  • 9.  Goldberg, Whoopi  (Wu Yin) Whoopi Goldberg is an American comedienne, actress, singer-songwriter, political activist, author and talk show host. Although Goldberg made her film debut in the avant-garde ensemble film.... Day Master: Wu Yin. Year: Yi Wei.
  • 10.  Gould, Glenn  (Ji Chou)