BaZi Calculator
BaZi Calculator by Voytek. Precise calculations of BaZi charts.
Famous charts
This site contains 71065 charts of famous people.
Alphabetical index:
- 1. Cyrus, Miley (Gui Mao)
Miley Ray Cyrus is an American singer, actress, and songwriter. Her father is country singer Billy Ray Cyrus. She held minor roles in the television series Doc and the film Big Fish in her...
. Day Master: Gui Mao. Year: Ren Shen. - 2. Cyrus, Billy Ray (Geng Yin)
Billy Ray Cyrus is an American country music singer-songwriter and actor.
Having released twelve studio albums and forty-four singles since 1992, he is best known for his number one single...
. Day Master: Geng Yin. Year: Xin Chou.