BaZi Calculator
BaZi Calculator by Voytek. Precise calculations of BaZi charts.
Famous charts
This site contains 64318 charts of famous people.
Alphabetical index:
- 1. Aznavour, Charles (Geng Zi)
Shahnour Varinag Aznavourian better known by his stage name Charles Aznavour , is a French and Armenian singer, songwriter, actor, public activist and diplomat. Aznavour is known for his...
. Day Master: Geng Zi. Year: Jia Zi. - 2. Azinger, Paul (Gui Si)
Paul William Azinger is an American professional golfer and TV golf analyst. He won twelve times on the PGA Tour, including one major championship, the 1993 PGA Championship. He spent...
. Day Master: Gui Si. Year: Ji Hai.