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Symbolic stars - Shen Sha

Heavenly doctor

Chinese names: TianYi / 天医

English names: Heaven Doctor, Heavenly Doctor

Star associated with health and disease.

For weak Day Master:
- person with this star often get sick or have little energy
- if there are favorable stars on the chart, they neutralize adverse effects

For strong Day Master:
- good health
- strong person with this star may work in the fields of medicine, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology and be very successful in them
- star of doctors, therapists, acupuncturists (of course the entire chart must confirm this)
- star is auspicious if there are other favorable stars on the chart (e.g. heavenly virtue, monthly virtue, heavenly noble)

If the auspicious conditions are met, the star can also be activated by selecting the appropriate geographical direction during therapy or seeking a therapist that has this star on his chart.

This star is derived from Month Branch.

Famous Charts with Heavenly doctor:
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Sources of information: teachings of RapaNui, Ken Lai and Annie Pecheva.