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Symbolic stars - Shen Sha

Flying knife

Chinese names: FeiRen / 飞刃

English names: Flying Blade, Flying Knife, Flying Dagger, Star of Blood

- accidents with blood, injuries causing bleeding
- traffic accidents
- wounds caused by sharp objects
- surgeries
- miscarriages or perinatal difficulties
- criminal injury
- sudden, unexpected events
- accidents can be more serious if the person also has sword star
- interpretation of course depends on the whole chart, if the star is on an unfavorable branch, there is a greater chance of trouble
- this star does not like branch conflicts, if it is conflicting with another pillar, also luck or annual pillar, then the risk of accident or injury is more serious, because the conflict activates the star
- the star is not very active if there are no adverse conditions

This star is derived from Day Stem (Day Master).
Similar stars are derived from Month or Year Branch.
This is one of the bloody knife type stars.

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Sources of information: teachings of RapaNui, Ken Lai and Annie Pecheva.