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Symbolic stars - Shen Sha

Literacy star

Chinese names: XueTang / 学堂

English names: Professor, Literacy, Learning Hall, Precious Educational Hall

- successes in fields of literature and art
- success on exams

This star is derived from Day Stem (Day Master).

Famous Charts with Literacy star:
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popular chart   Mao Zedong
popular chart   Obama, Barack
popular chart   Depp, Johnny
popular chart   Eilish, Billie
popular chart   DiCaprio, Leonardo
popular chart   Jackson, Michael (1958)
popular chart   Lee, Bruce
popular chart   Bieber, Justin
popular chart   Ali, Muhammad
popular chart   Charles III, King of the United Kingdom
popular chart   Tolkien, J.R.R.
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popular chart   Zendaya
popular chart   Willis, Bruce
popular chart   Lively, Blake
popular chart   Hilton, Paris
popular chart   Freud, Sigmund
popular chart   Barnier, Michel
popular chart   Affleck, Ben
popular chart   Harry, Duke of Sussex
popular chart   Attal, Gabriel
popular chart   William, Prince of Wales
popular chart   Travolta, John
popular chart   Thatcher, Margaret
popular chart   Taylor, Elizabeth
popular chart   Spears, Britney
popular chart   Mbappé, Kylian
popular chart   Grande, Ariana
popular chart   Gandhi, Mohandas
popular chart   Lamar, Kendrick
popular chart   Cyrus, Miley
popular chart   Zidane, Zinedine
popular chart   Trump, Ivana
popular chart   Prince (musician)
popular chart   Neymar
popular chart   Nadal, Rafael
popular chart   Louis XIV, King of France
popular chart   John, Elton

Sources of information: teachings of RapaNui, Ken Lai and Annie Pecheva.