BaZi Calculator
BaZi Calculator by Voytek. Precise calculations of BaZi charts.
Symbolic stars - Shen Sha
Solitary star
Chinese names: GuChen / 孤辰
English names: Solitary Star, Hermit loner, Solitary Time, Loneliness
- loneliness
- separation from people, such a person likes or prefers to be alone
- being single (also known as bachelor star)
- this star may bring misfortune for family members, means separation
- with earth branches on chart: being self-concentrated
- with Lonesome/Forlorn star: isolating from people, being a hermit
- the Solitary star means loneliness by choice, and the Forlorn star - by necessity
- the star means separation from loved ones, friends, there may be misunderstandings, difficulty establishing relationships, loneliness that can cause depression
- the positive aspect of the star is the opportunity to become a scientist or focus on spiritual development, if this person manages to create the right mental attitude, not concentrate on feeling of loneliness and focus on its positive aspects
This star is derived from Day Branch.
Some masters also derive it from Year Branch (marked with * in the calculator).
Famous Charts with Solitary star:
Musk, Elon
Aniston, Jennifer
Gates, Bill
Hitler, Adolf
Buffett, Warren
Lady Gaga
Kardashian, Kim
Jolie, Angelina
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Ronaldo, Cristiano
Eilish, Billie
Monroe, Marilyn
Lee, Bruce
Tesla, Nikola
Dion, Celine
Churchill, Winston
Bayrou, François
Kennedy, John F.
Bonaparte, Napoléon I
Picasso, Pablo
Lively, Blake
Freud, Sigmund
Fox, Megan
Dalai Lama XIV
Affleck, Ben
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Rockefeller, John D. Sr.
Gomez, Selena
William, Prince of Wales
Watson, Emma
Taylor, Elizabeth
Spears, Britney
Sinatra, Frank
Mbappé, Kylian
Johansson, Scarlett
Gandhi, Mohandas
Arnault, Bernard
Woods, Tiger
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
Nixon, Richard
Edison, Thomas
Cyrus, Miley
Trump, Ivana
Rogan, Joe
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nadal, Rafael
Louis XIV, King of France
Hathaway, AnneSources of information: teachings of RapaNui, Ken Lai and Annie Pecheva.