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Thèmes de célébrités

Ce site contient 71065 cartes de personnages célèbres.



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  • 1.  Van Gogh, Vincent  (Bing Shen) popular chartVincent Willem van Gogh was a Post-Impressionist painter of Dutch origin whose work—notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color—had a far-reaching influence on.... Day Master: Bing Shen. Year: Gui Chou.
  • 2.  Van Damme, Jean-Claude  (Ji Mao) popular chartJean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg , professionally known as Jean-Claude Van Damme and abbreviated as JCVD, is a Belgian martial artist, actor, and director best known for his.... Day Master: Ji Mao. Year: Geng Zi.
  • 3.  Vanderbilt, Gloria  (Ji Si) popular chartGloria Laura Vanderbilt is an American artist, author, actress, heiress and socialite, noted as an early developer of designer blue jeans. She is a member of the Vanderbilt family of New.... Day Master: Ji Si. Year: Jia Zi.
  • 4.  Valentino, Rudolph  (Gui Chou) popular chartRodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d"Antonguolla, professionally known as Rudolph Valentino , was an Italian actor who starred in several well-known silent.... Day Master: Gui Chou. Year: Yi Wei.
  • 5.  Van Halen, Eddie  (Ding Hai) popular chartEdward Lodewijk "Eddie" Van Halen is a Dutch-born American musician, songwriter and producer. He is best known as the lead guitarist, keyboardist and co-founder of the hard rock band Van.... Day Master: Ding Hai. Year: Jia Wu.
  • 6.  Vajiralongkorn, King of Thailand  (Yi Hai) popular chartHouseMahidol FatherBhumibol Adulyadej MotherSirikit KitiyakaraReligionTheravāda BuddhismSignature Vajiralongkorn is the King of Thailand. He is the only son of King Bhumibol Adulyadej and.... Day Master: Yi Hai. Year: Ren Chen.
  • 7.  Vandenpereboom, Jules  (Xin Mao)
  • 8.  Van Houten, Leslie  (Yi You) Leslie Louise Van Houten is a former member of Charles Manson"s "Family" who was convicted of the murders of Leno and Rosemary.... Day Master: Yi You. Year: Ji Chou.
  • 9.  Vaughn, Vince  (Ding Wei) Vincent Anthony "Vince" Vaughn is an American film actor, screenwriter, producer, comedian and activist. He began acting in the late 1980s, appearing in minor television roles before.... Day Master: Ding Wei. Year: Geng Xu.
  • 10.  Vaillard, Pierre-Jean  (Wu Wu)