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Thèmes de célébrités

Ce site contient 71065 cartes de personnages célèbres.



Popular Most popular charts

  • 1.  Khan, Genghis  (Jia Xu) popular chartHouseBorjiginDynastyGenghisidFatherYesügeiMotherHoelunReligionTengrism Genghis Khan[note 4] , was the founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest.... Day Master: Jia Xu. Year: Bing Wu.
  • 2.  Khruschev, Nikita  (Ding Hai) popular chartExternal video Part One of Booknotes interview with William Taubman on Khrushchev: The Man and His Era, 20 April 2003, C-SPAN Part Two of Booknotes interview with Taubman, 27 April 2003,.... Day Master: Ding Hai. Year: Jia Wu.
  • 3.  Khomeini, Ruhollah  (Geng Yin) Styles ofRuhollah KhomeiniReference styleEminent marji" al-taqlid, Ayatullah al-Uzma Imam KhumayniSpoken styleImam KhomeiniReligious styleAyatullah al-Uzma Ruhollah Khomeini Sayyid Ruhollah.... Day Master: Geng Yin. Year: Geng Zi.
  • 4.  Khan, Shah Rukh  (Geng Shen) Shah Rukh Khan , also known by the initialism SRK, is an Indian actor, film producer, and television personality. Referred to in the media as the "Baadshah of Bollywood" , "King of.... Day Master: Geng Shen. Year: Yi Si.
  • 5.  Khan, Aamir  (Ding Mao) Mohammed Aamir Hussain Khan is an Indian actor, director, filmmaker, and television talk show host. Through his career spanning over 30 years in Hindi films, Khan has established himself.... Day Master: Ding Mao. Year: Yi Si.