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Thèmes de célébrités

Ce site contient 71065 cartes de personnages célèbres.



Popular Most popular charts

  • 1.  Ivan The Terrible  (Geng Shen) popular chartDynastyRurikFatherVasili III of RussiaMotherElena GlinskayaReligionRussian Orthodox Ivan IV Vasilyevich , commonly known as Ivan the Terrible , was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to.... Day Master: Geng Shen. Year: Geng Yin.
  • 2.  Ivey, Phil  (Ji Chou) popular chartPhillip Dennis Ivey Jr. is an American professional poker player who has won ten World Series of Poker bracelets, one World Poker Tour title, and appeared at nine World Poker Tour final.... Day Master: Ji Chou. Year: Bing Chen.