BaZi Rechner
Berühmte Charts
Diese Seite enthält 71065 Charts berühmter Persönlichkeiten.
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Popular ![Most popular charts](img/star24.png)
- 1. Lynch, David (Jia Wu)
![popular chart](img/star16.png)
David Keith Lynch is an American film director, television director, visual artist, musician, occasional actor, and author. Known for his surrealist films, he has developed a unique...
. Day Master: Jia Wu. Year: Yi You. - 2. Lydon, John (Ding You)
John Joseph Lydon , also known by his stage name Johnny Rotten, is an English singer and songwriter. He is best known as the lead singer of the late-1970s British punk band the Sex Pistols,...
. Day Master: Ding You. Year: Yi Wei.