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  • 1.  Ceausescu, Nicolae  (Gui Wei) popular chartNicolae Ceaușescu was a Romanian communist politician. He was General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, and as such was the country"s second and last Communist.... Day Master: Gui Wei. Year: Wu Wu.
  • 2.  Cena, John  (Geng Xu) popular chartJohn Felix Anthony Cena Jr. is an American professional wrestler, actor, and television presenter. He is currently signed to WWE, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest professional.... Day Master: Geng Xu. Year: Ding Si.
  • 3.  Celentano, Adriano  (Wu Xu) Adriano Celentano is an Italian singer, composer, comedian, actor, film director and TV host. He is the best-selling male Italian.... Day Master: Wu Xu. Year: Ding Chou.
  • 4.  Cecilia, Princess of Sweden  (Wu Wu) Cecilia of Sweden was a composer, a Swedish princess by birth, and Grand Duchess of Oldenburg by marriage. She was the daughter of King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden and Frederica of.... Day Master: Wu Wu. Year: Ding Mao.