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Popular Most popular charts

  • 1.  Adele  (Geng Shen) popular chartAdele Laurie Blue Adkins MBE , is an English singer-songwriter. After graduating from the BRIT School in 2006, Adele signed a recording contract with XL Recordings. In 2007, she received.... Day Master: Geng Shen. Year: Wu Chen.
  • 2.  Adem, Julian  (Bing Xu) popular chart
  • 3.  Adams, Amy  (Gui Si) popular chartAmy Lou Adams is an American actress and producer. Known for both comedic and dramatic roles, she has appeared three times in annual rankings of the world"s highest-paid actresses. Her.... Day Master: Gui Si. Year: Jia Yin.
  • 4.  Adams, Jessica  (Yi Hai) popular chart
  • 5.  Adjani, Isabelle  (Ji Wei) popular chartIsabelle Adjani is a French film actress and singer. She is a five-time César Award winner and two-time Academy Award nominee. Adjani rose to fame in 1975 for her lauded performance as.... Day Master: Ji Wei. Year: Yi Wei.
  • 6.  Adani, Laura  (Xin You) popular chart
  • 7.  Adelstein, Garrett  (Bing Wu) popular chartGarrett Adelstein is an American professional poker player from Tucson, Arizona who focuses on live no limit hold "em cash games. He appeared on Survivor: Cagayan where he was the second.... Day Master: Bing Wu. Year: Bing Yin.
  • 8.  Adelheid, Queen of Sardinia  (Wu Wu) popular chartHouseHabsburg-LorraineFatherArchduke Rainer of AustriaMotherPrincess Elisabeth of SavoyReligionRoman Catholicism Adelaide of Austria was the Queen of Sardinia by marriage to Victor.... Day Master: Wu Wu. Year: Ren Wu.
  • 9.  Adams, George Washington  (Bing Zi) George Washington Adams was the eldest son of John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States. He had a troubled life and died of apparent suicide at age.... Day Master: Bing Zi. Year: Xin You.
  • 10.  Adan, Martin  (Yi Mao)