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Acest site conține 54623 hărți ale celebrităților.

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  • 1.  Winehouse, Amy  (Yi Si) popular chartAmy Jade Winehouse was an English singer-songwriter known for her deep contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres, including soul , rhythm and blues, jazz and reggae..... Day Master: Yi Si. Year: Gui Hai.
  • 2.  Winfrey, Oprah  (Yi You) popular chartOprah Gail Winfrey is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey.... Day Master: Yi You. Year: Gui Si.
  • 3.  William, Prince of Wales  (Yi Hai) popular chart
  • 4.  Willis, Bruce  (Ji Mao) popular chartWalter Bruce Willis is an American actor, producer, and singer. His career began on the Off-Broadway stage and then in television in the 1980s, most notably as David Addison in.... Day Master: Ji Mao. Year: Yi Wei.
  • 5.  Williams, Robin  (Ren Xu) popular chartRobin McLaurin Williams was an American actor and comedian. Starting as a stand-up comedian in San Francisco and Los Angeles in the mid-1970s, he is credited with leading San Francisco"s.... Day Master: Ren Xu. Year: Xin Mao.
  • 6.  Wilde, Oscar  (Xin You) popular chartOscar Fingal O"Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London"s most popular playwrights in the early.... Day Master: Xin You. Year: Jia Yin.
  • 7.  Winslet, Kate  (Jia Shen) popular chartKate Elizabeth Winslet CBE /ˈwɪnzlɛt/ is an English actress. She is known for her work in independent films, particularly period dramas, and often portrays angst-ridden women. Winslet.... Day Master: Jia Shen. Year: Yi Mao.
  • 8.  Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany  (Yi Chou) popular chartHouseHohenzollernFatherFrederick III, German EmperorMotherVictoria, Princess RoyalReligionLutheranism Signature Wilhelm II , anglicised as William II, was the last German Emperor and King.... Day Master: Yi Chou. Year: Wu Wu.
  • 9.  Wilson, Woodrow  (Bing Xu) popular chart
  • 10.  Williams, Serena  (Ding Wei) popular chartSerena Jameka Williams is an American professional tennis player who is currently ranked No. 1 in women"s singles tennis. The Women"s Tennis Association has ranked her World No. 1 in.... Day Master: Ding Wei. Year: Xin You.